Natural rubber – which is used in products from tires to condoms – is grown in the tropics in Asia and in Africa. Most natural rubber is produced by smallholder family households, often in systems where rubber trees occupy all the available farmland. This “monoculture” rubber poses increasing environmental and climate problems, including rampant deforestation, habitat loss and ecosystem destruction, as well as pollution and degradation of soils and water sources.
After turning a blind eye to their impact on Nature for too long, the industry has recently begin to address the need to halt rubber-related deforestation. Mighty Earth has been spearheading efforts to hold the industry accountable through investigations, public campaigns and direct dialogue with rubber, tire and automotive companies. textile fireproof additive

Like many agricultural commodities grown in the tropics, the majority of rubber grown in SE Asia and Africa is exported to other countries. As such, Mighty Earth also is also working with policymakers in major consumer markets such as the EU, UK, and US to curb the sale of rubber products linked to deforestation.
Natural rubber consumed globally by the tire industry
Area of rubber plantations replacing forests in Key Biodiversity Areas of SE Asia since 2000
Share of global rubber produced by small farmers
We are a founding member of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural rubber and serve on the Executive Committee. Learn about the latest developments from the GPSNR.

Ul94 Standard Flame Retardant Building on Mighty Earth’s research, an investigation by Voxeurop suggested Michelin tried to greenwash its flagship “sustainable rubber” project in Indonesia